Our Vision


For more than 70 years, thanks to the generosity and vision of our founders, the Central Schwenkfelder Church congregation has been blessed with a facility that has served us well. It has been a place to gather to glorify God, grow spiritually, support one another, and serve and witness our community. Now, we are embarking on a transformative project, designed to ensure that the Central Schwenkfelder Church building will support our mission to preach the Gospel and serve God today, and in the years to come.








- Members of the congregation expressed the need to REMEMBER our church’s heritage and traditions, and expressed their desire to support the project in recognition of those whose generosity and vision led to the founding of our church 70 years ago.

- Updates to our church building will provide a more welcoming environment, allowing us to RENEW our commitment to be connected to the broader community as well as reaching and retaining the next generation.

- Making the decision to RENOVATE will improve the safety, accessibility, and flexibility of our church facilities, and allow us to more easily adapt to programmatic changes in the future.

- The great majority of those surveyed following the Congregational Workshop in January 2020 agreed that our church building is in need of updating, and undertaking this project as a congregation will give us all something to REJOICE about following its completion.